Several configurations can be applied in one network of computers. Those configurations vary since the definitions of traffic priorities until policies and controls relative to the security of the information.
However, due to the complexity of the networks, many configurations can be hard to be validated. Therefore, in many scenarios, the administrator will only discover a possible error of configuration when a problem, where that configuration was necessary, is occurring. Like, for example, a backup occurring in office hours causing overload in the network or a failure of performance interrupting an essential videoconference with important clients.
In another article we quoted the cost of expecting for a problem to happen. Therefore, it is crucial for the IT Team to have resources that guarantee the opportunity of anticipating itself to problems and of validating important configurations for the performance and security of the network. For that, it is important to have a system that allows a stratified vision of the network traffic, let us check some examples of validation that can be done with the TRAFip.
The backup is certainly one of the most important processes in relation to the security of data. However, mainly in the scenarios where the complete backup is necessary, it is a costly process. In this manner, causing high consumption of the resources of network during the execution of the process. In order to avoid the routine of backup to impact the performance of the other applications and services of the network, a good practice, is to configure it to be executed outside of the business hours.
One of the ways to monitor if this is really happening is to keep track of the traffic in the backup server. That way, alarms can be configured to notify when activities of backup are occurring outside of the business hours. The video is subsequently.
The load balance is the important solution for the optimization of performance and high availability. In this way, being capable of dividing requisitions of the same service between two or more servers. However, it is important to monitor if the distribution of load is really happening. Therefore, avoiding the fall in the service in case of stoppage of some server.
One of the most important functionalities of the TRAFip is the profile of traffic. With the creation of a distribution profile the administrator can create a group with all the servers that participated of the balancing of load. In this manner, it will be capable of visualizing the proportion of traffic for each one of its servers. In this manner, being able to verify the balance of the load among them.

QoS (Quality of Service) is related to the network providing a better service relative to traffic. Thus, allowing the configuration of levels of different services for the varied applications that traffic in the network, with that, being capable of providing previsibility to indicators such as bandwidth, latency and jitter. In conclusion, with the configurations of QoS the administrator will be capable of defining priorities of traffic in the network.
Therefore, it becomes extremely necessary that the applications planned are using the service classes that were determined for them. In other words, if they are subject to the correct rules for their appropriated functioning. With the TRAFip, besides the administrator being capable of accompanying the traffic of each tagging of type of service, it will be capable of verifying if each application is under their own class of service.
TRAFip is a system of traffic analysis which allows the determining of what, how, when, where and by whom your network is being utilized.
In this sense, there is no doubts about the importance of having investments in network management. Bringing therefore not only benefits to the visibility of networks but also being a way to guarantee greater governance.
Thinking of that, Telcomanager present in the market since 2002, and a leading Latin America brand in the sector of software for managing networks. Also counting with a unique and innovative technology, deploying smart solutions in the monitoring of data that will provide a stratified vision of the traffic, is now allowing your Company to follow the most important aspects of your network, in real time.