The improvement of the performance and the reliability of the database represents a constant search on the part of the administrators. To this end, some challenges need to be surpassed. These challenges can vary from a significant increase in the volume of data to connection problems.
Certainly, monitoring systems will be primary allies for overcoming such challenges. For the examples below we will use real examples of how the clients of Telcomanager overcome such challenges with the help of TRAFip and of SLAview.
Monitoring of the Service
The SLAview is capable of monitoring the services referring to the most popular software of databases, such as the cases of the Microsoft SQL Server and of the Oracle Database. Through the personalized integration solutions, the SLAview will be capable of identifying the service status and if the process is executing, as well as monitoring the connection and parameters specific to the database.
Some of the specific parameters to be monitored is the status of the database, as well as the usage of disks by the databases and the backup monitoring. As well as the usage of the storage reserved for the log of transactions registry. For this specific log, in some scenarios, the bank will stop working if the usage of storage space reserved for the log to reach to 100%.
Soon, the visualization guarantees itself against any problem in relation to the functioning of the service, mainly in what is related to the availability.

Monitoring Of The Servers
The database servers are similar to the other servers in relation to the parameters that should be monitored. In other words, utilization of CPU, RAM memory, disk and indicators of connectivity. Therefore, these are the values that need to be managed on any server. Thus, it can’t be different in relation to a server of database, mainly by its functioning affecting directly the performance of the service.
With the SLAview it is possible to perform the collection of that information. In this manner, the administrator will be able to map the objects related to the server, besides creating collection profiles for personalizing the processing of those information and how they will be demonstrated in the charts.
In the context of the database, there is information in of tendencies that are very important for your management. Mainly in relation to the space of storage or the free space in disk. Therefore, the administrators will have important parameters for supporting the management of server capacity.

Management Of The Infrastructure
The SLAview is capable of monitoring all the assets of the network. Before such scenario, the monitoring of the network as a whole will provide assertiveness in detecting if a possible problem of access is really in the database.
The main benefit of using a complete monitoring solution is the amplitude of available options. With the monitoring of databases included along with the other assets of the network, the managers will be able to obtain a global vision of all the network. Therefore, facilitating the agile identification of possible problems.
Stratified Visibility Of The Traffic
With the TRAFip, the administrator will have the complete visibility of the traffic in relation to servers of database. Through the creation of traffic profiles it will be possible to see the subnetworks that send the most or receive the higher amount of traffic from the servers, as well as the applications and protocols that mostly generate network overloading. In this manner, it is possible to easily identify problems occasioned by abnormal traffic.
In some scenarios, for servers of database of high performance, systems of load balancing can be utilized. Trough the creation of a traffic profile it is possible to observe the distribution of traffic between the servers. Thus, guaranteeing the monitoring of the balancing and the verification of its correct functioning.

Creation Of Alarms
For all the modalities of monitoring cited above the creation of alarms is primordial. Therefore, in case an indicator exceeds predefined limits, the administrator will be notified.
Both the TRAFip and the SLAview possess a system of alarms. The alarms are capable of generating notifications by email, SMS, Telegram and trap SNMP. In some scenarios, personalized configurations can be performed for the integration with the system of tickets of the service desk.
For all types of monitoring, both the TRAFip and the SLAview will be capable of demonstrating the data in personalized charts and reports. With that, the administrator will have access to any group of data specific to the database with the necessary agility.
Besides individual charts, the systems count with the NOC Display tool. Before such scenarios, the administrators will be able to choose sets of charts for exposing in the same screen, with automatic updates as new values are collected.
In this sense, there are no doubts about the importance of investing in network management. In this manner, we are able to not only bring benefits for the visibility of the infrastructure, but also representing a way to guarantee greater agility and capacity of anticipating to problems.
Thinking about that, Telcomanager, leader in Latin America in the sector of software for network management, since 2002 in the market with a unique and innovative methodology, makes available smart solutions for the monitoring of data in order to provide complete visibility to the infrastructure of the client, allowing your Company to accompany the main aspects of your network.