The term “ping” makes reference to Packet Internet Network Groper, which is a command based on the ICMP protocol (RFC 792) available in a large part of the operational systems. The term makes an allusion also to a ping-pong game, referring to the departure (ping) and return (pong) of a packet. Therefore, the ping test is based on two messages, departing and returning. Thus, when a test is carried out between two points on the network, besides checking the connectivity between them; it will be able to measure the time of departure and return of the messages.
Besides the ICMP, another protocol that is useful for the measurement of the latency is the TWAMP, as we already have referenced in a previous article. However, the TWAMP has some important specificities, such as the capacity of measuring the trajectory ignoring the time of processing the devices. As well as the capability of using specific doors in order to simulate the behavior of applications.
Facing this moment in which we are living, the need of remote meetings has never been so constant. Imagine that a meeting held by videoconference from the board of directors of a company. During the meeting, the video keeps freezing, the audio gets distorted. The event takes place completely affected.
Certainly, the high latency is one of the main suspects in the setting described above. By all means, it is not considered efficient to wait for this kind of problem to happen for finding out that the latency must be high. Mainly, because this might represent the possibility of damages against the businesses of Companies.
Besides the scenario presented, we could quote other situations in this present article, as well as the impact of the latency over VoIP solutions. As well as in terms of computer games, causing that famous LaG. In every scenario, the experience of the user will be compromised.
A ping test will be able to provide some information. However, with a limited visibility and in many situations it will not reflect the behavior of Applications. Only a comprehensive monitoring solution such as the SLAview will be capable of providing complete information about indicators such as latency, package losses and the jitter.
The idea of the monitoring system is to anticipate itself before the actual occurrence of the problem described in the scenario above. Mainly, due to the capacity of the system to watch all the indicators stated, among them, the latency. Consequently, monitoring several devices simultaneously, having the capacity to identify changes in the behavior and and potential failures over all the infrastructure.
The information can be visualized in graphical forms and even on alerts. With this level of visibility, the IT Team might detect easily if any device is overloaded or have presented any failure. In this manner, causing an increase of latency. Undeniably, the visibility provides the capacity of an IT Team that can be less reactive and more proactive.
Below, we will find some examples of information about latency, extracted from the SLAview:

The SLAview is a management and monitoring system of network capable of evaluating its behavior and detecting failures in an easier and practical way.
In this way, there is no doubts about the importance of investing on network management. Therefore, bringing not only benefits to the visibility of the network but also being a way to guarantee an agile and proactive ITteam.
Thinking of all those advantages, the Telcomanager which has been in the market since 2002. A leader in Latin America on the sector of software for managing networks, with a unique and innovative methodology. Also making available intelligent solutions for the monitoring of data that will provide stratified views of your actual traffic. It will allow your company to keep the right track of key aspects of a network in real time.